Convert To

Where can I find this command?
Convert To 2D Convert To 3D left click

The laConvertTo command changes the representation of Lands elements according to different options:


  1. Select the object to change its representation.
  2. Select one of the following options on the command line:
    • Convert to 2D 2D: replaces the 3D representation of a Lands Design object by its 2D representation. (This option is only effective when the block is displayed in 3D)
    • Convert to 3D 3D: replaces the 2D representation of a Lands Design object by its 3D representation. (This option is only effective when the block is displayed in 2D)
    • All: shows the 2D and 3D representation of a Lands Design object simultaneously.
Object displayed in 2D
Object displayed in 2D
Object displayed in 3D
Object displayed in 3D
Object displayed in 2D and 3D
Object displayed in 2D and 3D